[MEKO-084] Was wolltest du mit der betrunkenen Tante tun? In einem Imbiss mit vielen jungen Paaren, die sich an einem Tisch treffen, wird eine altere Frau, die alleine trinkt, gezielt angesprochen und mit nach Hause genommen! Die trockene Haut einer Amateurin, die von Einsamkeit und Unzufriedenheit geplagt wird, wird gut durchnässt! ! VOL.15
This is the 15th installment of the well-known izakaya pick-up series. The series is the 15th installment in the series of spy photography of pick-up girls at Japanese-style pubs. The whole process is captured on film! The target this time is a big-breasted married woman of around 40. How did these wives, who came for a drink alone, overcome their frustration and family discord, and accept the advances of the pick-up artist to have an illicit affair? The real situation of the lower half of the body of the married women of today is revealed only because it is a sneak peek. We will show you the full story!