[TNB-008] Es gab ihn wirklich! Ein Profi des Anbaggerns! Ein Profi des Sex! Ein legendärer Hausbrecher, der zahlreiche Frauen verführte, untersucht die Flirt- und Ehebruchaffäre Ihrer Freundin! Der Auftraggeber überwacht die Vorgänge im Auto! Bei dem Signal für ein Augenbinde-Spiel dringt er in die Ehebruchszene ein!!
We received an email from a man asking us to investigate whether his girlfriend is cheating! That's where we turn to our pick-up artist pros, known as the 'cuckold masters', for help! We asked them to pick her up and see if she would actually cheat while we monitor the situation with her boyfriend. With a signal for a blindfold play, they infiltrate the cheating scene! The target misinterprets the blindfold as an abnormal play and gets excited on her own! Right in front of her boyfriend, she gets her wet pussy aggressively pounded by a dick, looking blissfully happy as she cums repeatedly!