[IPX-337] Einen Monat lang geschworen und in den Tagen, in denen sie nicht da war, habe ich mit ihrer besten Freundin so intensiv gevögelt, dass es verrückt war. Kano Momono - insgesamt 8 mal intime Sexstunden.
I have a girlfriend I really like, but I met 'Kana' and fell in love, moved by her heart. I know I'm straying from the right path, but I can't control myself. From the day I learned she would be leaving the house, I went a month without masturbation or sex, saving up sperm to the point of bursting my testicles, all to have sex with 'Kana'. After being released from my abstinence, I went crazy with 'Kana' from morning to night, over and over again, for the few days she was gone.