Anime-voiced female high school student Ena-chan, a second-year. She appears serious and innocent, with a loli-like atmosphere, standing at a petite 143cm with a distinctly deep cleavage and a style that enthusiasts can't resist. Such a loli girl is blindfolded, with a vibrator in her panties, and her erect nipples are pinched vigorously in a three-point restraint. It seems her nipples are erogenous zones; as she is stroked relentlessly on her nipples while her privates are toyed with, she climaxes uncontrollably in a garbled anime voice, shouting, "Yaah! Lame! Boob lame nyanoh!" Eventually, she starts to bounce her hips while pulling on her own nipples. In the end, she becomes such a docile flesh onahole that she even performs a cleanup blowjob.
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