[VOSS-100] De retour d'un pot avec ma supérieure, nous avons raté le dernier train et sommes restés seuls dans ma chambre. Elle feint d'être ivre pour être sûre de ses effets ! Avec une technique de hanche si incroyable qu'elle semble suspendue dans les airs, et une prise de crabe, elle m'a forcé à une éjaculation intravaginale forcée !!
My boss is a beautiful woman who is good at her job. As a clumsy employee who is always getting angry at her, she is above my head. However, one day on the way home from a drinking party, she ran out of last trains and insisted on staying at my house. The boss, who had turned into a simple "tapper" after he got drunk, ransacked my stash of pornography as soon as he entered my room, demanded that I show him my sexual orgasm, and engaged in unrestrained power harassment and sexual harassment! Finally, he pushed me down and inserted his cock into my weakened body! I thought I was coming while twitching and convulsing, but in the end I was forced to cum inside her with a pair of powerful crab claws... (Is that really what happened?). The next morning, I went to work, still skeptical about what had happened, but soon my hangover was so bad that my head was woken up. The next morning, I came to work, half in disbelief at what had happened, but soon my hangover was awakened by a situation that made my head spin.......