High hourly rate. The freedom and short working hours that allow you to work between housework and childcare. So many delicious part-time jobs, that's why the ladies jumped at the nude model recruitment. But there were many erotic missions waiting under the guise of art... Mr. Kaede, 42 years old, and Mrs. Shoko, 48 years old. To attend a stylish lunch with their lady friends, to supplement their living expenses, the ladies made the decision to go nude. The scene of their first job was completely filmed by a hidden camera. This is also part of the job... Even when required to make erotic poses unrelated to art, they maintained their expression and endured the shame. Their reactions when confronted with an erect penis in front of them while posing with a male model. Everything is delivered from the best angle! Watch the ladies' glamorous figures as they are driven to excitement at the end of their shame, finally accepting an immediate internal ejaculation on the spot!