Cute Ishikawa Satomi, who suits a short bob, makes her first appearance on a straight path, passionately playing a young wife who has been married for three years and continues to care for her father-in-law while her husband is on a solo assignment. Starting with a mysterious monologue, "It seems hard and tough, but it's not really like that," she deals with the daily tasks, such as changing the underwear soiled by her injured father-in-law. "Father, how is your penis today?" Even if he can't do it, making him feel good is important, showing the deep bond with her husband's family through her kind heart. Gradually, they become so close that they even bathe together, playing with soap bubbles. However, even as he ages, he is still active occasionally!? He can even go from 69 to ejaculation. Satomi, with her beautiful breasts shaking, seems to enjoy herself while moaning, taking care of her sexually active father-in-law's needs. "Don't scold the children on the path they've come. Don't laugh at the elderly on the path they're going." This is a heartfelt work that meets the urgent needs of the elderly, which are hard to express.