Popular erotic drama series 'Resolution Girl' introduces 'the genius' Satsuki Erena. The magical girl●Ena-chan! (self-proclaimed) is dispatched to help troubled clients! Surveillance from the headquarters, tasked with protecting the Resolution Girl's home from a 24-hour hidden camera...crisis, receives a request to investigate infidelity! With the genius Ena-chan's skills, a quick resolution is a sure thing. Immediately confronting the cheating man's home - if that looked like a penis to you, you're quite stressed! Buy this work and be healed by Ena-chan! And so, the cheating man suddenly attacks! Magical girl●Ena-chan is in a pinch, having her cute clothes torn off! In a big pinch, she's about to be ejaculated inside! Will the client's troubles be resolved?! And then, request part 2 is a 'national secret level big job (zero vocabulary)' about a man making something suspicious VR games! Trusting magical girl●Ena-chan to investigate, she puts on the VR goggles... Ah! Ena-chan is being stimulated in the video! This is real! It really feels like she's being cunnilingus... Can Satsuki Erena, the genius girl, escape this crisis?! Magical girl●Ena-chan is greatly active in the 'moveable VR' FPS video that excites all masturbators! (Or being done a lot!) Definitely watch it!