Momo-chan, who works as an underground idol on weekends while being a student on weekdays, juggles her super busy schedule with two roles. Amidst her friends getting excited about love and play, she never turns down invitations from industry insiders. She accepts any job and happily joins in for evening socializing. She teases her budding, tempting nipples, making them plump and erect. Her healthy, toned thighs from her active student life resonate with adult penises. As they deepen their friendship through thick saliva exchanges, her rarely touched vagina starts to get wet, and when a finger is inserted, thick vaginal juices gush out. She reaches climax with her eyes rolled back in an ahegao face, unseen by her fans, as she is vigorously pounded by a large penis into her big butt. She is thoroughly deflowered until she is impregnated with a large amount of semen in her young vagina. [Unreleased footage is included in the amateur floor model number INST-116.]