The sister attending a prestigious girls' school is revered by her juniors, who call her "Onee-sama." However, at home, she is at the mercy of her reclusive brother, subjected to daily unprotected sex without resistance. Tired of his sister, the brother wants to be with another woman, and unable to defy his demands, the sister brings home a cute junior who admires her. The sister confesses to the junior in a lesbian manner and shares a passionate kiss, but the junior, captivated by the confession, becomes an offering to the brother's sexual desires. Helplessly, she is subjected to repeated unprotected sex. This work is a selected recording from the already released "HUNTA-739," and may overlap with content from previously purchased releases. Please be aware of this if you have already bought it. Note that the recording content may vary depending on the distribution method. For the latest releases, sale items, and other great deals, visit the 'HHH Brand Store'.
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